Northside: 363 North Circular Road Dublin 7 Southside:6 Trinity StreetDublin 2
Westside: Pax Clonsilla Road Dublin 15
T:8601392 E:tim@dublinpropertymanager.com
363 North Circular Road Phibsboro
Dublin 7
6 Trinity Street Dublin 2

T:6766616 South Side T:8601392 North Side
Practical Hands on Dublin Apartment block Management
Tim Mc Donald has being managing apartment blocks since 1997 and applies
a practical hands on management with strict cost control with out a reduction
in quality of service.Tim is a chartered surveyor qualifications in property,construction,
accountancy,planning,and property management.
Tim Has huge experience of all aspects including Fire Safety ,Anti Social Behaviour
Refurbishments Water tanks ,Lifts,Common areas,and Financial Management service charge arrears collection.
He caters for blocks with between 20-150 units.
For any Apartment Block Queries free no obligation email timmcdonald@pre63dublin.com
Personalized Approach
What I Provide
Licensed by The Regulator Ref:001138
Dublin Apartment Block Management
Apartment Management Dublin|Block Management Dublin|